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2 votes
2 answers

Should the voting power of individual senators be reduced via constitutional amendment?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies

There is clearly a power imbalance between the House and the Senate that gives an advantage to less populous states. What might happen if we made senators' votes only count the same as a rep's? Bills can originate in whichever house but ultimately they are voted on by the whole congress at once. So ...

asked: UTC 2020-07-17 06:39 PM
image Artichoke (305)
1 votes
1 answers

American News Media bias chart - is it reliable? How accurate is it?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies Tags: News Media Statistics

I've been seeing this chart and variations on it floating around for a while, most recently on Facebook with an overlay that shows the "range" in which these media corporations present content. From the site's methodology page, they say "During this project, nearly 1800 individual articles and ...

asked: UTC 2020-07-19 12:55 PM
image Chris_Martin (1834)
0 votes
2 answers

Would cancelling student debt improve the U.S. economy in 2020?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies

Considering how much damage Covid 19 did to the U.S. economy, could cancelling student debt help improve the economy? A lot of students struggle to make payments already and with layoffs and unexpected costs of a pandemic, it has taken a huge toll on some. If people could spend less money on paying ...

asked: UTC 2020-07-29 04:15 AM
image myee4 (90)
0 votes
0 answers

Who are some good experts on Sage to ask questions about law?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies Tags: question sage expert law

I'm looking to ask someone a private question, any suggestions?...

asked: UTC 2020-08-26 04:59 PM
image jbrown5 (140)
0 votes
0 answers

Why are there no laws or regulations on noise pollution?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies Tags: noise quiet laws policies

Noise is a huge problem that has been proven to negatively affect the human body. Why aren't there any national or international laws or regulations limiting noise and decibal emissions from machinery? ...

asked: UTC 2020-10-06 01:46 AM
image daina52 (95)
2 votes
1 answers

Why do people feel the need to push their ideological beliefs on society instead of just minding their own business?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies Tags: politics philosophy rationality morals

As with many political policies, people often use their own beliefs to justify their position. Why can't people think rationally enough to realize that even if they are totally for or against something, others might not be, and the society will never be at peace if we are all just pushing out own id...

asked: UTC 2020-10-13 04:09 PM
image NickG (310)
0 votes
0 answers

Why aren't more consumer goods that are hazardous to public health taxed heavily like cigarettes are?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies

Cigarettes are heavily taxed by both federal and state governments to deter consumers from purchasing them because of their bad health effects on both users and the community at large. Why aren't more products taxed in this way? Some examples that come to mind are foods with certain addictive ingred...

asked: UTC 2020-10-22 01:24 AM
image daina52 (95)
0 votes
1 answers

Why do some politicians claim trickle-down economics works when there is no empirical evidence that supports this claim?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies Tags: economics trickle-down supply-side economics political theories

The more I learn about economics and research this topic, it seems that this concept is predominantly supported in the political sphere as opposed to the economic research sphere. In fact, most of what I found from any studies that have actually been implemented suggests that trickle-down economics ...

asked: UTC 2020-11-04 05:11 PM
image NickG (310)