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1 votes
2 answers

What are some tips for breaking into the off-broadway, and then broadway world, as an actor and singer?

Topic: Theater, Dramatic Arts, Acting ,    Subtopic: Acting Tags: broadway singer acting off broadway actor

A friend of mine is an extremely gifted singer, while also being absolutely the life of the party wherever we are. He's young, with a world of possibilities in front of him. What would be some tips and ideas to help him lay the foundation to get to broadway? I know it is a long road, filled with ups...

asked: UTC 2020-09-03 08:04 PM
image peter_yeargin (1406)
0 votes
0 answers

Do you think actors and actresses are inherently narcissistic?

Topic: Theater, Dramatic Arts, Acting ,    Subtopic: Acting Tags: acting actors celebrities narcissism

It seems like there are certain professions such as acting that lend themselves to feeding a narcissist. I love a good movie with good acting myself; however, it often feels like people put undue value on the profession and celebrities. They are not necessarily saving lives out here.   Do you...

asked: UTC 2020-10-08 05:36 PM
image Rose (96)
0 votes
1 answers

Theatre in the Pandemic

Topic: Theater, Dramatic Arts, Acting

Live theatre has been put on a very unfortunate halt since the pandemic. I’ve heard people handling it in different ways -- some moved performances to zoom, some do shows with masks, some just stopped production. What is the best course of action?  ...

asked: UTC 2020-10-16 06:41 AM
image saffy (50)
0 votes
0 answers

Audition Dos and Don’ts

Topic: Theater, Dramatic Arts, Acting

When auditioning (whether it’s theatre or film), does anyone have any favorite tips? For either cold reads or monologues are welcomed. Are there generic things to avoid? Are there specific clothes that someone should wear or avoid?  ...

asked: UTC 2020-10-26 10:02 AM
image saffy (50)
0 votes
0 answers

Who is today's best stand up comedian?

Topic: Theater, Dramatic Arts, Acting

One-liner comedians are my favorite - Mitch Hedberg was a genius, in my opinion - but it seems like all the big names in today's comedy are political commentators. That's fine, but that kind of humor has an expiration date. Who does good generic stand up?...

asked: UTC 2021-01-12 02:21 PM
image SarahCzar (656)
0 votes
3 answers

Should I watch Hamilton?

Topic: Theater, Dramatic Arts, Acting ,    Subtopic: Musical Theatre

Hamilton was so hyped on Broadway. For awhile I felt like I couldn't go a day without hearing about the show, and that kind of turned me off to wanting to see it. Now that it's streaming, should I give in? Is it really that great? I'm not a history buff. ...

asked: UTC 2021-02-01 03:00 PM
image SarahCzar (656)