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3 answers

What is the equivalent of a mayor, but for a county?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Elections and Voting Tags: counties

Do counties have elections for whoever is in charge as well? I've only ever lived in cities with a mayor before. I have no idea what they do in other areas and was hoping someone could tell me. Are there term limits? Any light shed on this topic would be of great use!...

asked: UTC 2020-07-31 08:21 PM
image myee4 (90)
0 votes
2 answers

How would a new political party logistically form in the United States?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Elections and Voting Tags: Third party political parties

What would this take? I imagine neither party wants a third official party with equal power. They probably actively fight any efforts to create one.  How would a group of politicians form one logistically, then?...

asked: UTC 2020-08-20 02:54 AM
image peter_yeargin (1406)
2 votes
2 answers

Should the voting power of individual senators be reduced via constitutional amendment?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies

There is clearly a power imbalance between the House and the Senate that gives an advantage to less populous states. What might happen if we made senators' votes only count the same as a rep's? Bills can originate in whichever house but ultimately they are voted on by the whole congress at once. So ...

asked: UTC 2020-07-17 06:39 PM
image Artichoke (305)
1 votes
2 answers

Approximately how much cash do you need to run a successful campaign for state legislature or state senate?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Running for Office Tags: state senate campaign budget

I've noticed that the requirements to become a state senator or representative are much less than on the national scale. I know a national campaign costs an immense amount of money and that is why those seeking office need party backing. Is there anyway to create a local state campaign with a very, ...

asked: UTC 2020-08-27 08:29 PM
image myee4 (90)
1 votes
2 answers

Can a non-sitting president be impeached?

Topic: Politics

There are impeachment documents being drafted, but there have been some arguments that they wouldn't go through the proceedings until after the inauguration. I recognize that impeaching Trump would take away many of the post-presidential benefits he would otherwise enjoy, but is it even possible to ...

asked: UTC 2021-01-09 07:32 PM
image SarahCzar (656)
1 votes
2 answers

Why does Donald Trump stand like a centaur?

Topic: Politics

Has anyone wondered why Donald Trump stands like a centaur?...

asked: UTC 2020-10-07 04:06 AM
image Harsh (144)
0 votes
2 answers

Would cancelling student debt improve the U.S. economy in 2020?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: Policies

Considering how much damage Covid 19 did to the U.S. economy, could cancelling student debt help improve the economy? A lot of students struggle to make payments already and with layoffs and unexpected costs of a pandemic, it has taken a huge toll on some. If people could spend less money on paying ...

asked: UTC 2020-07-29 04:15 AM
image myee4 (90)
0 votes
2 answers

Are there any relief efforts or ways for people in America to support Ukraine currently?

Topic: Politics ,    Subtopic: World Politics Tags: Ukraine Russia Invasion Support

I am wondering if there is any way for Americans to support Ukraine. Are there any type of donation options or ways of sharing information that could have a positive impact?...

asked: UTC 2022-02-24 02:45 PM
image Amir (180)